Township: Ruaig,Sothaigh

Map Reference: Soay 20

Name Type: fort

Meaning: See Odarum in Longships on the Sand.

Other Forms: Dun Ottir - Coll and Tiree, Erskine Beveridge, Birlinn, 2004, p84.

Dun Ottir - Handbook to the Islands of Coll and Tiree, Hector MacDougall and Rev. Hector Cameron, Archibald Sinclair, p127.

Dùn Odaruim - AMcL

Related Places: See Odarum

This round, easily defensible, knoll lies beyond Bealach na Ciste. There is no stone work left now. JH, 4/2013

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic, Obscure

Informants: Erskine Beveridge

Informant 2: Handbook to the Islands of Coll and Tiree, Hector MacDougall and Rev. Hector Cameron

Informant 3: Angus MacLean, Scarinish, 3/2010