Township: Unknown Township

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Meaning: "A hillock in Tiree on which [Rev John MacRae, 1794-1876, a Free Church minister in Lewis] preached then [1842-3] is still called Cnoc MhicRath." Macaulay, M 2017Aspects of Religious History in Lewis Up To the Disruption of 1843, Puritan Publications, 101

"For some years after the Disruption, Mr MacRae [Rev John MacRae, 1794-1876, later a Free Church minister in Lewis] was much involved in the [Free] Church's work in the Highlands and Islands, encouraging and directing struggling congregations ... Preaching in Tiree on a certain Sabbath, he intimated that he should meet with the people on the Monday, and address them on the Disruption question. At the close of the meeting, the Parish Minister appeared with a written paper in his hand, which he began to read, when Mr MacRae observed: 'See that poor man going to read what probably he was busy writing yesterday.' This caused a laugh, and put a stop to the reading. The pretty green hillock on which they assembled is called Cnoc MhicRath to this day, in commemoration of the incident." Nicolson, N Rev 1895, 'The Reverend John MacRae'. Inverness: George Young, 14

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Languages : Gaelic

Informants: see above