Map Reference: Kilmoluaig cc
Name Type: house
Meaning: The house of John the son of Big Archibald; or the red-headed man
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Information: There was an un-named gate on the road by his house, in line with the Carachan fence - IMcK.
Iain Èirdsidh Mhòir (known as Am Fear Ruadh) walked to Eilean MhicChonail one winter when the loch was frozen. The ice was cracking on the way back - IMcK.
This house is the ruin just south of the modern 'Greenbank'.
Local Form:
Languages : GaelicInformants: Iain Chaluim MacKinnon, Kilmoluaig, 4/1994, 6/1996 and 2/1997
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