Township: Hynish

Map Reference: Hynish 13

Name Type: shore

Meaning: The gully of the coal

Other Forms:

Related Places: See Bodha Ghilleasbuig

Information:The wife of MacQuarrie, from the shop in Hynish, went out after the wreck ordering the poor folk to leave the coal alone "to keep it for herself" - WL.

The wooden barque Regina had been carrying coal from Liverpool to Newhaven, USA, in 1872 when she struck rocks off Islay. The crew were saved but she re-floated and finally came ashore at Bodha Ghilleasbuig in 1872 (Canmore ID 256038). Her windlass lay on the shore here. Three years later the puffer Marchioness of Lorne hit rocks at 'Hainish Point' with a cargo of grain and coal (Canmore ID 252997).
A fishing rock

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic

Informants: Willie Lamont, Mannal, 9/1995

Informant 2: OS

Informant 3: John MacDonald, Mannal, SA1972, 144