Township: Hynish

Map Reference: Hynish 63

Name Type: hill

Meaning: See Dìubadal in Longships on the Sand.

See Dìobadal in 'Eachdraidh le Càirdeas is Cridhe' (2020) Acair, p 258

Other Forms:

Related Places:

Information:"There were two houses up on the hill and that's where the men who were fishing for bream lived [see Poll a' Choire]...this day when they were going home after fishing - it was called Dìobadal - ...they were walking down - there's some fine shingle there - on the tide line there they found a mermaid. She was alive. They lifted her and put her back in the sea again. She circled once or twice and they never saw her again" - David McClounnan, Balephuil, 6/1998. AC55.

Local Form:

Languages : Norse

Informants: multiple

Informant 2: Willie Lamont, Mannal, 9/1995