Township: (Rubha) Craignis,Hough

Map Reference: Craignish a

Name Type: house

Meaning: The house of the Camerons; the house of Donald of Cragnish

Other Forms:
Taigh na Camshronaich

Taigh Dhòmhnaill Chraignis - Alasdair Sinclair, Greenhill, 5/1994.

Related Places: Mìodar

Information:Taigh Dhòmhnaill Chraignis - the house belonging to Donald of Craignis. Duncan Cameron, the Post Office, Scarinish, is the grandson of these Camerons. They were fishermen and could launch a boat from the north or south side of Craignis, depending on the swell - Sandy MacKinnon (Sandaidh Ghobhainn), Kilkenneth, 11/1993.

Local Form:

Languages : Norse, Gaelic

Informants: Sandy MacKinnon (Sandaidh Ghobhainn), Kilkenneth, 11/1993.

Informant 2: Alasdair Sinclair, Greenhill, 5/1994