Township: Hough

Map Reference: Hough 43

Name Type: agricultural

Meaning: See Rèithesgeal in Longships on the Sand.

Other Forms: Rèisgal Èirdsidh Hògh - LC
Rèisgal Àrd (west of road) and Rèisgal Ìseal (east of road) - Archie Brown, Kilkenneth, 11/2014

Related Places:

An area of ground behind Hough House - NAMcL.

Rèisgeal Èirdsidh Hògh was the top part of the field next to the hill behind his house - LC.

The field that runs from the road to the hill to the north of Hough house, inside the boundary wall with Balevullin - DMcK.

Local Form:

Languages : Norse, Gaelic

Informants: Neil Alec MacLean, Hough, 6/1994

Informant 2: Lachlan Cameron, Balevullin, 8/1994

Informant 3: Donald MacKinnon, Hough, 1/1995