Township: Hough,Sea

Map Reference: Hough 5

Name Type: sea

Meaning: The black skerry

Other Forms: Not given in ONB.

Duskere - Island Mull with Islands Tiri and Coll, M MacKenzie, 1775.

Dubhsgeir - Admiralty Chart number 1778.

Duskere - The map of John Ainslie, 1789, NLS

Related Places:

West of the Hough skerries.

Local Form:

Languages : Norse, Gaelic, Obscure

Informants: Sandy MacKinnon (Sandaidh Ghobhainn), Kilkenneth, 2/1997

Informant 2: Neil MacKinnon, Balevullin, 2/1994

Informant 3: OS