Township: Gott

Map Reference:

Name Type: house

Meaning: The house of Mary Campbell

Other Forms:

Related Places:

Information:She was killed by a ram who butted her in the head - DMcI.

She lived in Moss. The factor of the time had Hough Farm and forbade anyone to pick up loose wool in spring from the Hough machair. She used to scream at the factor and Tom Barr when she saw them, calling him "Bàillidh an Clòimh!" [factor of the wool]. Eventually the factor became fed up with her and sent her to Gott as a punishment. She was found dead by the shore of Loch a' Riadhain badly bruised. Her son Eachann Màiri, a simple man, was accused of her murder and sent to Lochgilphead asylum, but local people believed she had been attacked by a ram - HMcP.
A house in Earnal.

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic

Informants: Hector MacPhail, Ruaig, 5/1996