Township: Cornaigmore,Heylipol

Map Reference:

Name Type: road

Meaning: [Rev Archibald Farquharson] encountered [in North Uist] a group of eighty men constructing what is known locally as the "Committee Road", an estate project designed to provide work in return for charitable support at a time when the first potato blight made an appearance." Dr Margaret Mackay, 'Brothers in Mission, 163

Other Forms:

Related Places:

Information:Another name for the Druimbuidhe road. So-called, according to the informant) because it was built during the 1840s and 50s as a part of the famine relief programme, a 'destitution road'.

Local Form:

Languages : English

Informants: Morag MacKinnon, Kilmoluaig, 7/2017 (from her brother-in-law)