Map Reference: Milton f
Name Type: house
Meaning: The house or ruin of Fair Iain; or Hector of the big field
Other Forms: Tobhtaichean an t-Slèibhe - DM
Related Places: See Sgoil Colquhoun, Salum.
Information:Eachann a' Ghoirtein Mhòir (MacArthur - an ancestor of Hugh Hector MacArthur, Caolas) was moved from a croft on Ùtraid Thèarlaich Eòghainn in Heylipol by the factor to Caolas - Donald MacKinnon, Sandaig.
Iain Bàn [assumed to be a MacLean - JH] married the sister of Colquhoun the teacher, or his daughter married Colquhoun himself [see below] - Angus MacLean, Scarinish, 2/1996, 3/2010.
Neil Campbell Colquhoun was born at Sliabh Dearg, Caolis, where his father was the parochial schoolmaster on 15.8.1864. His father, Archibald Colquhoun, was born at Moss. His mother, Mary Ann MacLean, was the only daughter of Iain Bàn, a great worthy who lived and enjoyed life to the patriarchal age of 107. Archibald Colquhoun, after leaving Tiree kept school at Petty, Inverness-shire and latterly was Gaelic teacher and catechist at Eastside, Kilmuir, Skye; also at Waternish and lastly at Elgoll in the parish of Strath. He died at the age of 59 and is buried in Kilmaree, Strath, Skye. Neil was one of the founders on the Tiree Association - Na Baird Thirisdeach, p 392.
Local Form:
Languages : GaelicInformants: Angus MacLean, Scarinish, 2/1996 and 3/2010
Informant 2: Professor Donald Meek, Caolas, 8/2019
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