Township: An Àird a Deas,Caolas

Map Reference: Ardeas 49

Name Type: shore

Meaning: Inlet of the burnt island

Other Forms:

Related Places:

Information:'The Contractor' was Dòmhnall Ghilleasbuig Nèill. He built An Eaglais Thin in Balinoe and An Eaglais Ùr (Skinners') in Cornaig. He married Eilidh Shandaidh from Scarinish and emigrated to Canada. The Contractor's father or grandfather was married to a woman from West Hynish, from an old house where Rock Villa is today. His wife was collecting whelks from this inlet in the autumn and drowned. Her body was lost until the New Year when her body was washed ashore just below her old house and was found by one of her brothers - AMcL.

The woman who drowned on Eilean Loisgte and whose body was found in West Hynish was Bean Bhrathair Nèill. The contractor’s sloinneadh was Dòmhnall mac Ghilleasbuig Nèill - AMcL.

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic

Informants: Angus MacLean, Scarinish, 2/1996