Map Reference: Balevullin v
Name Type: house
Meaning: The house of the 'Mokasher' [a nickname]
Taigh na Mogais - Jean MacCallum, Balevullin, 4/2009
'Mogais: an ancient form of anchor, formed of a cylinder made of heather ropes, bound strongly together, closed at one end and filled with stones' (Dwelly)
Other Forms:
Related Places:
Information:Taigh na ‘Mogais’ was the house at the north end of the Sraid Ruadh. It was a nickname and he was really a MacDonald. The postman was unfamiliar with Balevullin. He delivered a letter to the man. “A bheil seo Taigh na Mogais?” he asked him. “A bheil ‘Mogais’ sgriobhte air?” came the reply - JMcC A MacDonald - DK.
Local Form:
Languages : GaelicInformants: Mary Neill, Balevulin, 4/1994
Informant 2: Donald Kennedy (Dòmhnall Eachainn), Balevullin, 6/1994
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