Township: Balephetrish

Map Reference: Balephetrish 49

Name Type: sliabh

Meaning: See Briolachain in Longships on the Sand.

Other Forms: A’ Bhriolachanaich - AMcL, DMcL

A’ Bhriolcanaich - JGC

Briolachain - NMcD

Related Places: Am Briolachanaich, Alec MacArthur, Heylipol, 9/2025

Information:"Chaidh mi leath' do'n Bhriolcanaich,
'S gur iomadh ian chaidh spilgeanann;
'S gu'n rinn i euchdan iomraiteach
Mu thimchioll Bhaile-Pheutrais" - 'Oran a' Ghunna', Na Baird Thirisdeach, ed. Rev Hector Cameron, An Comunn Thirisdeach, 1932, p140.

"The late Kate MacMaster, Kenovay, told me of a visitor with an all-terrain vehicle who was warned to look out for boggy places as she was going to use it on The Reef. The visitor remarked that the vehicle could go anywhere, but she returned later looking for a tractor to tow her out of a bog. Kate said, "Chaid i an greum 's a’ Bhriolachain [she was caught in the Briolachain]." When I asked her what the word meant, she said, "Biolair" [watercress]. Bhiodh iad (I don't remember if she said "a fas", suggesting cultivation, or "a buain", more like harvesting a growing crop) biolair agus bhiodh iad ga cuir air falbh [they were growing it and sending it away]." Now if you repeat 'Biolairachain' a few times, the elision of the first two vowels occurs quite easily. She did not put the -aich at the end." Neil MacDonald, Balevullin, 1/2012.

Kate MacMaster, Ceit Alasdair, was the daughter of a shepherd, Alasdair MacMaster, who had been brought to Tiree by Tom Barr with his brother Duncan. They lived in a small house on the site of Sunny Brae, Kenovay. Alasdair would have known The Reef well. Donald KacLean, Kenovay, 1/2012.

An area of boggy ground around Loch nam Braoileagan - AMcL.

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic

Informants: 'Oran a' Ghunna', by Rev John Gregorson Campbell in Na Baird Thirisdeach, ed. Rev Hector Cameron, An Comunn Thirisdeach, 1932, p140

Informant 2: Angus MacLean, Scarinish, 1/1994, Donald MacLean, Kenovay, 1/2012

Informant 3: Neil MacDonald, Balevullin, 1/2012