Township: Scarinish

Map Reference: Scarinish 102

Name Type: well

Meaning: The well of the soldiers

Other Forms: Tobar nan Saighdearan - AK

Tobar an t-Saighdeir - DMcP

Tobar Neacail - DMcP (Neacal was Niall MacIntyre, his grandfather) - see Stor Ghuail

Related Places:

Information:Between Mhairi Crookston's and Duncan MacPhee's houses. When the soldiers came to Tiree in 1886 during the Crofters' War they camped to the east of Duncan MacPhee's house and guarded this well in case the islanders poisoned it - AK.

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic

Informants: Annie Kennedy, Scarinish, 6/1995

Informant 2: Duncan MacPhee, Scarinish, 6/1994