Map Reference:
Name Type: sea
Meaning: See Lebhearaig in Longships on the Sand.
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Information:He was shown this rock by his father, Neil. It is quite deep, and lies between Cleit Ruaig and Soay. They assumed it was where a boat called the 'Levereck' went aground, but there is no oral tradition or maritime record to back this up - IMcD
In a London Times report from August 1868 under the headline 'Wreck and Loss of Life' it reads, 'On the morning of Saturday last, the 8th of August...Especial praise is due to Captain Archibald Brown [of Mannal] of the Laverock Scot'. There is no tradition linking this coastal trader and this rock.
Local Form:
Languages : Gaelic, ObscureInformants: Iain MacDonald, Skipnish, 5/2016
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