Township: Hynish

Map Reference: Hynish c

Name Type: house

Meaning: House of the captain

Other Forms:

Related Places: Utraid and Taigh Bean an Sgiobair, Mannal.

Information:First floor (or ground floor) flat at east gable of the Barrracks.

Sinclair (An Sgiobair Ruadh) lived at first in Taigh an Sgiobair in Hynish Barracks (the ground floor nearest the harbour).

Her great uncle ran off with the daughter of Sinclair, the skipper, who climbed through the end window, which was later barred. They eloped on the Pharos, the lighthouse boat. Jessie MacKinnon, Mannal, 4/1995.

Sinclair (An Sgiobair Ruadh) lived at first in Taigh an Sgiobair in Hynish Barracks (the ground floor nearest the harbour) Her great uncle ‘stole’ his future wife through the gable end window, which the skipper later barred. They ran away together in the lighthouse boat. Bean an Sgiobair was the sister if Iain Mhurchaidh and her other sister married Captain Brown’s grandmother. Jessie Battlefield MacKinnnon, Mannal, 3/1995

Local Form:

Languages : Gaelic

Informants: Lachlan MacFarlane, Hynish, 4/1995

Informant 2: Jessie MacKinnnon (Teasaidh Lachainn), Mannal, 3/1995